We are very proud of our Sunday School Program at Zion! Our program meets every other Sunday on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. A schedule is availabe with the dates for the entire year. The time is 9:15 am -10:15 am. (Note: We have off for 2 weeks at Christmas/New Year and on Easter Sunday.)
- We are using a curriculum from Group Ministry. We've just completed the segment titled, "The Bible in One Year", "The Life of Jesus" and in 2022-2023 we are using "Foundations of Faith".
- We start our Sunday School hour with a "Gathering Time" that includes a video about our lesson, a song, and prayer time. Then we recess into the classrooms for our lesson.
- The older children play "Hand Bells" throughout the year. We practice during Sunday School time and then perform them during a worship service. The hand bells are very popular with the children!
- An offering jar is in our gathering room. Our goal is to buy a kit through Compassion International to provide needy children with Bibles & School supplies.
- If you have any questions or if you would like to join our teaching staff, please contact Kelly Schmuhl or Sherry Laper using the church email: zionfairwater@hotmail.com
- If you would like to donate juice or cookies/crackers for our snack time, please place them on the counter located in the church kitchen, to the right of the large refrigerator.