High School

High school can be a fun-filled adventure as middle schoolers become young adults. It's also a time of navigating life's ups and downs... and that includes their journey of faith. As teens explore their world in a big new way, they may also have the urge to deepen their faith; to strengthen their connection to God and to other Christians. This is a safe and accepting place for them to come and do those things; a place where all are welcome! High school students meet once or twice a month, and participate in outings, retreats, and service work several times each year. We also take a week-long trip as a highlight each summer. For more information, please contact Jen at (815) 494-2831.








Don't forget, there are plenty of opportunities to serve and get connected in the church, beyond the weekly youth group events and meetings...

  • Join the tech team -  they run the A/V system in worship, they livestream and update worship on the webpage, and they design the PowerPoints that are run during worship. 
  • Serve on Council - there are youth and young adult representatives on your church council that vote to make decisions, come up with new ideas, and help solve problems that can arise during the year for the church.
  • Volunteer on any team - be a reader, or a Sunday School sub, or an usher, or Communion  assistant, or any one of the MANY jobs that your church needs extra hands, eyes, or voices to do.